This is a photoshopped train to Portland Airport

I’m probably late to the game on this because I never pick up maps/schedules for the trains (given that I have no need of them..) But anyway, this is the map of the Red Line that’s currently available. Do you see what I see?

Hey wait a minute, that’s not really a Red Line train!

Those of you who read the train number post might have recognized 61 as a Yellow/Green Line train number. Or you might have noticed the double white line of the transit mall (where Red Line trains don’t run) in that picture. The really sharp-eyed readers who use TriMet’s website might have realized this is the same picture of a Green Line train used on the main page for MAX light rail service. It looks like a red square and “City Center” were photoshopped over a green square with “PSU” as the destination sign.

Which.. well, that’s just odd. Why not use a picture of an actual Red Line train for a Red Line map? I’ve got plenty of them. I would’ve donated one for the cause!

Here’s one, though it’s of a Type 1 (so the bottom part of the map where it says “Roll your luggage on board” doesn’t really apply since Type 1s are high-floors) but at least it’s a real Red Line train.

Or if we want to stick with the Type 4 theme – same car even! – here is another picture I took, but unfortunately the destination sign would still have to be photoshopped due to the self test error (which is admittedly why I took the picture in the first place).

And I have this Type 4 at night…

Also, the full uncropped version of my old header image…

Obviously this is not a post of any real consequence… just a little thing I noticed that seemed strange. I’m curious to see what will be on the cover of the new map in September (when that $2.35 fare is no longer accurate)

2 responses to “This is a photoshopped train to Portland Airport

  1. BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit, San Francisco Bay Area) is running very few trains due to a computer problem at Central Control. BART is a system that is, for the most part, automated. It has human train operators there just as backups. This is what happens when you take people OUT of the equation.

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